Tattoo Aftercare

Congratulations on your new tattoo! These will stay with you FOR LIFE, so please review the guidelines listed below to keep your artwork looking its best. Click here to download a PDF of these instructions. Click here for further aftercare instructions from Sky.


In addition to these guidelines, we recommend reviewing Sky's tattoo aftercare instructions, linked below:

  • Only leave your bandage on as long as your artist instructs you.

  • Remove the bandage: Wash the tattoo thoroughly with non-scented, antibacterial soap - such as Dial or Soft soap - and warm (not hot) water. This removes all of the excess ointment and plasma.

  • Allow the tattoo 2 hours to dry out. Do not put ANYTHING on it.

  • Apply fragrance-free lotion 1-2 times daily in small amounts. We recommend Curel, Aveeno, or Lubriderm.

  • Only apply a small amount of lotion and make sure to rub it in until your skin no longer feels greasy.

  • Good healing is key! It is recommended to take vitamin E and C for the general wellness of your skin. Also drink plenty of water!

  • For the first few days your tattoo may leak a bit of blood, plasma, and ink. When the oozing stops, scabs may appear.

  • Once the scabs disappear, a thin layer of skin will form and flake off like a sunburn. This is normal, however, it can be slightly irritating. DO NOT pick or scratch at it!

  • DO NOT soak in water! Stay way from soaking / submerging in baths, pools, jacuzzis, etc. They can harbor bacteria which can cause a number of infections. Also animal hair, dander, soil (NO GARDENING!), etc - these can cause infections in fresh tattoos.

  • Keep the heat turned down in the shower! The stream from the hot water can soften the scabs and cause them to flake off too early. If your tattoo scabs seem oozy and gooey, get out of there!

  • DO NOT re-bandage the tattoo - it needs the open air to breathe, however it is best to keep the new artwork out of the sunlight. Wear loose, CLEAN, cotton clothing over the tattoo during the healing process. If your tattoo is located on your foot or ankle, keep shoes and socks away from the area. If your tattoo is located on your shoulder, please keep your bra straps AWAY from the area (ie - don’t wear a bra, or opt for strapless). Any rubbing can cause the scabs to fall off prematurely, resulting in color loss.

  • Remember: This artwork is on you for LIFE, so protect your investment! It is your responsibility to follow these instructions and any given to you by the artist. Any deviation can lead to color loss, infection, and/or poor healing.

  • If you have ANY questions regarding your tattoo, call the shop.